LEFEBVRE - Surname Meaning and Family History

What Does the Last Name Lefebvre Mean?

Getty / Stefano Oppo

A derivation of the French occupational name Fevre, which described an iron-worker or smith, Lefebvre derives from the Old French fevre, meaning "craftsman." Similar French surnames include Fabre, Faivre, Faure, and Lefèvre. Lefebvre is the French equivalent of the English surname SMITH.

Surname Origin: French


Famous People with the LEFEBVRE Surname

  • Henri Lefebvre - French Marxist philosopher and sociologist
  • Marcel François Marie Joseph Lefebvre - French Roman Catholic archbishop
  • James Kenneth "Jim" Lefebvre - former MLB baseball player, manager and coach; television actor
  • Arthur Henry Lefebvre - British scientist and engineer
  • René Lefebvre - French factory owner; active in the French resistance
  • François Joseph Lefebvre - French marshal during the Napoleonic wars

Where is the LEFEBVRE Surname Most Common?

According to surname distribution from Forebears, Lefebvre is one of the most common surnames in France, ranking as the 17th most frequently used surname in the country. It is also fairly common in other countries with at least a partial French-speaking population, including Canada, New Caledonia and Belgium.

WorldNames PublicProfiler tells us that Lefebvre is found most commonly throughout northern France, especially in the departments of Eure, Seine-Maritime, Somme, Pas-de-Calais and Nord.

Genealogy Resources for the Surname LEFEBVRE

Meanings of Common French Surnames
Uncover the meaning of your French last name with this free guide to the meanings and origins of common French surnames.

How to Research French Ancestry
If you are one of those people who have avoided delving into your French ancestry due to fears that the research would be too difficult, then wait no more! France is a country with excellent genealogical records, and it is very likely that you will be able to trace your French roots back several generations once you understand how and where the records are kept.

Lefebvre Family Crest - It's Not What You Think
Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Lefebvre family crest or coat of arms for the Lefebvre surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.

LEFEBVRE Family Genealogy Forum
This free message board is focused on descendants of Lefebvre ancestors around the world.

FamilySearch - LEFEBVRE Genealogy
Explore over 500,000 results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Lefebvre surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

LEFEBVRE Surname Mailing List
Free mailing list for researchers of the Lefebvre surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages.

DistantCousin.com - LEFEBVRE Genealogy & Family History
Explore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Lefebvre.

GeneaNet - Lefebvre Records
GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Lefebvre surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries.

The Lefebvre Genealogy and Family Tree Page
Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Lefebvre surname from the website of Genealogy Today.

References: Surname Meanings & Origins

Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.

Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.

Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.

Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.

Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.

Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.

Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

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Your Citation
Powell, Kimberly. "LEFEBVRE - Surname Meaning and Family History." ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, thoughtco.com/lefebvre-surname-meaning-and-origin-4098299. Powell, Kimberly. (2020, August 27). LEFEBVRE - Surname Meaning and Family History. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/lefebvre-surname-meaning-and-origin-4098299 Powell, Kimberly. "LEFEBVRE - Surname Meaning and Family History." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/lefebvre-surname-meaning-and-origin-4098299 (accessed April 25, 2024).